(iii) The Publicity after their Astonishment – Mark 7:36; Luke 8:39-40; Mark 13:10. His power amazed them and they were astonished. “And he charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it” (Mark 7:36). They were so astonished that they could not hold back, nor stop talking about it. When something good happens to you, you are so excited to tell everybody around you with your smile and words of your mouth. You will make first class in faith, miracles, moving your mountains, and in the blessing, and breakthroughs that the Lord is going to give to you in Jesus’ name. You will publicise with joy and excitement. “And the gospel must first be published among all nations” (Mark 13:10). If that gospel has come to your life to save, heal, sanctify, turn your family around, then publish it and tell others about it, and talk about the goodness of the Lord with joy and excitement. Don’t publicise bad but good news, and people around will be transformed and changed, in Jesus’ Name.


Mark 7:30,37; Matthew 12:41-42; Luke 7:12-16; John 8:53,58; Hebrews 4:14; 13:20,21

This was the perception of the people that came to Christ and were connected to Him, that nothing was impossible with Him, and He became the final authority of all the impossibilities in their lives. All the people that tried to help them, the physicians and helpers failed, but when they came to Him He put finality to all their problems and they were resolved. There is finality in your life and family tonight as you connect with this Jesus. You don’t have to go on crying; Christ is there to bring finality to your problems. They searched in all their history, and they looked at all the people, prophets and priests in the Old testament, and said that they had never seen any prophet or priest, preacher or shepherd like this. Christ is unique and Universal, helping and blessing everyone. No matter the challenge and predicament, He is able to solve every problem; that was why they said that He has done all things well. Jesus is Great, greater than anyone that ever lived, is living now or that will ever live on earth. He is incomparable; you cannot compare Him with any prophet or priest. He is Great, greater than all men. “The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here” (Matthew 12:41). A greater than the Old Testament and contemporary prophets is here.  Think of all the kings in the Old Testament, no king was as rich, wise as Solomon, and yet in his greatness, he was not at any level like Christ’s, for a greater than Solomon is here (Matthew 12:42). They appreciated and publicised the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ. He had compassion on the widow woman whose only son had died and raised him up. He will have compassion on you. “And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people” (Luke 7:16). He showed everybody that He was greater than anyone that had ever been before Him. Once you know the greatness of Christ, it is Christ and Christ alone. Jesus, and Jesus only is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and there is no one that you can compare with Him. “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am” (John 8:53). He is the I AM that I AM, the One that came to this world and has gone to heaven. He is greater than all men and religious people anywhere and everywhere. There is no name under the sun as great as His Name; there is no priest under the sun as great as His Priesthood. He is all I need, want and will have. He will save, heal, deliver, set free for He is the greatest of all. He is the Great High Priest, and we can hold fast our profession (Hebrews 4:14). He will not disappoint us in Jesus’ Name. They looked at everything Jesus did and this particular thing He had done here, and couldn’t resist that testimony that He had done all things well. He did all things well as we look at the following cases during His earthly ministry:

(i) He cured the most incurable – the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years had spent all she had to find a solution to her problem. Then she met Jesus and was cured of that incurable disease.

(ii) He saved the vilest of sinner – that woman that wept at His because of her sins; Jesus forgave her many sins.

(iii) He cleansed the most defiled and unclean – if you are so unclean and defiled in your heart and life, as the leper that came for cleansing, you can receive that cleansing as well.

(iv) He transformed the most avaricious among men – Zacchaeus, and all greed and covetousness vanished away. As you meet Jesus tonight, you will take forgiveness, salvation, freedom back with you tonight in Jesus’ Name.

(v) He converted the hardest of all men – Saul of Tarsus who later became Paul the Apostle. He wanted to wipe out the religion of the Nazarene but Jesus met with him and he was instantaneously converted and became a follower. Jesus knows your name, heart and needs tonight and will change and do what you cannot do for yourself in Jesus’ name.

(vi) He tamed the most violent of all men – the man possessed with legion of demons.  With one word He cast them out. The Lord will change and transform your life.

(vii) He stilled and quietened even storm with His word. Peace, be still and everything became calm. In your life, whatever may be the storm, wave, turbulence, or rage of the enemy, the Lord speaks, Peace be still, and everything will be calm.

(viii) He enlightened the darkest of all heart – the man born blind, when he met Jesus received his sight, and became enlightened not only in the physical but in the spiritual, that before the Pharisees, he became a teacher of the rulers in the synagogue. Jesus can do the same today. He will take away ignorance in all areas of our lives in Jesus Name.

(ix) He broke the strongest chain of habits. There are people who have  habits binding them like chain and they cannot help themselves. Jesus will break the chain of that sinful and bad habit and take it away. He hath done all things well because, “….if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).  In your life, family, work of your hands and ministry, all things will become new

(x) He saved one on the brink of hell and took him to heaven – the thief on the cross. He said, today you will be with Me in Paradise. So why will you perish and go to hell? He did it for that thief, he can do it for you. The Lord will not disappoint you.

(xi) He made an invalid every whit whole – the impotent man paralysed for thirty-eight years. No wonder the people were so surprised and astonished that He has done all things well.

(xii) He wanted to change the whole world, and He picked up twelve unlearned and unqualified men, and He sent them into the world with the gospel. From that time, the Christian faith and the gospel has circled the whole globe. Only Jesus can do that

He has come to us today, and no matter how ignorant you might have been, the One who is able to change and transform us is sending us to change the world that looks unchangeable. It will happen.

From tonight, in your personal life, family, local church and in all ministries, in your place of work, community and everything you represent, something will happen, that will astonish everyone that sees you. You will not remain as you are now and, everybody seeing you will begin to testify that He has done all things well in your life.

Ponder on this! That was the testimony despite the opposition of the devils and men, in the face of rigid tradition and religion, confronted with unbelief and unbelieving men and sinners, among the impotent and incurable when He touched and healed them; over the turbulence of the waves of the sea and the storm, and the roaring of the sea – He hath done all things well. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Ponder on this! My Jesus is Great; greater than all men, religious people anywhere and everywhere. There is no name under the sun as great as His Name; there is no priest under the sun as great as the Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is All I need, want and will have. He is Great. He will save, heal, deliver and set free, for He is the greatest of all. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Ponder on this! There are people who call Him Lord and yet accuse Him of being unfaithful and unfair, when anything goes wrong in their lives; they even almost get to the border of blasphemy. Yet they call Him Lord and Saviour. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Hard Sayings – Don’t ever contradict what Christ had said concerning you. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Reflection – You may not be able to point to any promise or provision, but if God be God, and Jesus being the very Son of God, He will help you. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Words on the Marble – Once you know the greatness of Christ, it is Christ and Christ alone. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Key Words – The Lord does not need a physical contact before that blessing can pass on unto you. Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

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