The Children Church is an integral part of the adult church. It is established to expose the children to all the provisions of grace, enable them to have the basic Christian experiences and assist them to live victorious Christian life in readiness for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its programmes and activities are aimed at evangelising, teaching and discipling the children for Jesus; training them up in the way of the Lord andequipping them to win their world for Christ.
The Children Ministry is for all the branches of Deeper Life Christian Ministry both at home and abroad. The General Superintendent controls it, though he delegates some duties to the National Children Co-ordinator at the headquarters church in Lagos.
TENDER LIFE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication for children in Deeper Christian Life Ministry all over the world. The good news is that you can read these enriching and interesting topics online every week.
The command to preach the gospel to all was given by our Lord Jesus Himself to all His friends everywhere. May be you have heard the message before and have not done anything about it. This time you cannot just fold your hands and be idle.
The soul of a child is more precious to Jesus than all the riches of this world. Think of the cost of all the houses and cars, as well as the money in all the banks and other things you can think of in this world, a child is more valuable and greater than all these things combined. That is why Jesus left heaven and came into the world to die for all children, so that they will not perish in hell fire in the end.
Many sinners die daily without the hope of heaven. You cannot delay further, so that you will not be blamed for the loss of their souls. Besides, obedience to the word of God is the only way you can show that you love Him and are His children. Jesus has promised answers to your prayers as a reward for obedience apart from personal rewards in heaven.
There are many ways of reaching out for Jesus. You can speak personally to people, that is, talking to one person at a time. You can phone, send or share tracts and magazines or write letters. Whatever the method you use, Jesus has promised to work with you.
Remember, however, that if you have not given your life to Jesus, you cannot go out to work for Him. Confess your sins today. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Then accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour.
Now, you are ready to go places for Jesus.
There lived a little orphan boy whose name was Tom. He was crippled in both legs. He was taken to live with a relative whom he called Granny. She never treated him well, but he was thankful for the little he had. One day, he decided to go out to work as a sweeper in a store so as to help granny with little money.
One cold night after Tom had finished work, he became tired and sick. He found his way into a church where the preacher spoke about knowing Jesus through the Bible. Later, as Tom was trying to get home, he fell down and collapsed. Granny found him and then took him to his room. From that day, Tom could not leave his bed all alone again. He needed someone to help him. Tom, still wondering on how he could get a Bible to learn more about Jesus, received a gift of a coin from a friend. He requested the friend to use the coin to buy a Bible for him.
Tom read and studied his Bible and soon learned how to be saved through Jesus. Later, he thought to himself, €œI can€™t keep all this to myself. I must think of some way to tell others about Jesus. I know that I could drop notes with scripture passages out of the window. Someone who is in need of Jesus may pick one up€. He then begged his granny to give him papers and pencil. With these, he started writing some passages of the Bible in small, small sheets addressed to – The passer-by. Please, read. Then he would hang the paper with a string tied to the window.
Every day he continued to do this, praying also that one day some people would pass by and pick the paper. One day, a well dressed man passed by Tom’s window. The wind blew one of the papers across the man€™s face. The man stopped, picked up the paper and read the Bible passage. Then he said, These Bible passages seem to be coming from that little window up there. I will sure like to talk to the person who is doing this good work. He entered Tom’s room and said, So you are the boy who drops these Bible verses from the window. Are you? I picked one up and God has blessed my soul through it. This man became a friend of Jesus and continued with Tom’s work by preaching the gospel everywhere he went.
Children, your hands, eyes and legs are complete. Are you using them to tell others about the love of Jesus? If a lame boy could work for Jesus, you can do better.
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