Our Churches

Our Churches


Our churches are situated close to you to better serve you.
Please contact the Pastor of the location that is closest to you for more detailed information

Deeper Life Bible Church,
Reewijkplein 12, 1106 AT Amsterdam Zuidoost, Netherlands  [view on Google Maps]
Sunday Worship Service – 10:00
Tuesday Bible Study – 19:00
Friday Revival Service – 20:00
Tel. 0031-207856683 | E-mail: amsterdam@deeperlife.nl

The Hague
Oudemansstraat 277, 2522 SH The Hague, Netherlands  [view on Google Maps]
Sunday Worship Service – 10:00
Monday Bible Study – 19:30
Friday Revival Service – 19:00
Tel. 0031-685076861  | E-mail: denhaag@deeperlife.nl

De Emmausganers,
Reyerdijk 67, 3079 NC Rotterdam, Netherlands  [view on Google Maps]
Sunday Worship Service – 10:00
Tuesday Bible Study – 19:30
Friday Revival Service – 19:30
Tel. 0031-642133520  |  E-mail: rotterdam@deeperlife.nl

Deeper Life Training Centre,
Generaal de Famarslaan 1, 5623 LG Eindhoven, Netherlands   [view on Google Maps]
Sunday Worship Service – 10:00
Tuesday Bible Study – 19:00
Friday Revival Service – 19:30
Tel. 0031-643678896 | E-mail: eindhoven@deeperlife.nl

Buurtcentrum Het Boegbeeld,
Prozastraat 121, 1321 GZ Almere, Netherlands   [view on Google Maps]
Sunday Worship Service – 13:30
Tel. 0031-207856683  |  E-mail: almere@deeperlife.nl

Every last Friday of the month is Dynamic Night Vigil

The Deeper Christian Life Ministry is a self-supporting organization. Conferences, evangelistic outreaches, care for the needy, etc, are funded through tithes and offerings from our committed members. If you are a committed Christian and you desire to contribute to the Lord’s work through our Church, we do appreciate it.

Please make your donations payable to “Deeper Christian Life Ministry” through our bank account:

ABN-AMRO Bank Current: (from the Netherlands)
IBAN: NL90ABNA0416385699; BIC: ABNANL2A (from Abroad)
Address: Hoogstraat 321, 5654 NB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

May the Lord replenish your purse in Jesus’ name.