General Superintendent
Welcome to the website of Deeper Life Bible Church, The Netherlands. This is the place to be. We care about you, your eternal destiny and entire life. This website will help you to get closer to God, equip you for divine service, all-round success in life and eternity.
Use the website’s links to get access to sermons, bible studies, gospel literature, songs, leadership resources and faith-building testimonies. You can join us for a wonderful time of fellowship at a Deeper Life Bible Church near you.
Today, Jesus Christ invites you to commit the rest of your life to Him. He died for your sins and will forgive and cleanse your past wrongs when you accept Him as Lord and Saviour. You will in turn enjoy His fellowship and join the people of God on the highway of holiness to our eternal home in heaven. Welcome to a lifetime of unforgettable and eternally-beneficial experience of God.
Remain blessed (Amen).